How to Create Impactful Instagram Photos for Product Placement

Instagram is officially the most popular photo sharing social network and it has more than 400 million active users, including illustrious people like the President of the United States and Taylor Swift. As there are so many people on the app, you need to make sure that your photographs are of high quality to stand out in the crowd. If you plan to monetize your popularity by making product placement for brands, the following tips will help you make the perfect Instagram photos for better engagement and results.

Use A High Quality Camera App

Although Instagram allows you to take photos and videos right through the app, it does not mean that you should. The Instagram camera app offers many basic features, but lacks several other features that can be easily accessed through your phone’s native camera app. You cannot zoom or shoot in slo-mo using Instagram. Use your smartphone’s camera app to take pictures and import it later when you open Instagram. You may even use photography accessories like a tripod or an external lens to improve the quality of your shot.

Use Professional Photography Equipment

The camera on your iPhone may be able to capture some really great shots, and the fact that you can carry it anywhere makes it very convenient. But when you do have the time and opportunity to use a semi-professional or professional digital camera, you must make the most of it. As a brand ambassador you should consider using a high end digital cameras are able to capture much more detail and color than your smartphone’s camera. Your target audience will definitely appreciate the improvement in quality.

Lighting and Composition

Regardless of what equipment you are using, the basics of photography remain the same. You will need to decide a particular layout and a great balance of contributing elements such as lighting, color and placement to make a good photograph. Instead of simply trying to fill up the square frame, look for interesting perspectives to capture the objects of interest. You can use contrast in lighting to add some depth and dramatic effect to your photograph and draw the attention of the viewer to the main object in your frame. The major colors and brightness in the photograph can affect the mood of the shot, so make sure that you pay close attention to creating the right setting before you take your shot.

Edit Your Photographs

One of the biggest advantages of digital photography is the ability to edit your photograph to suit your preferences, and provide much better aesthetic results. Instead of simply adding a filter to your photograph, take the time to crop, resize, and tweak the brightness, saturation and contrast to check what gives you the best results. Instagram does have a few handy editing features, but you may use other smartphone apps or your computer to gain access to a much more comprehensive set of tools, so that you can explore the extent of your creativity.

Try And Keep It Simple

Any art that is too complex tends to appeal only to a select group of people, and this is not good if you want to use Instagram for product placement and brand endorsement. Try to create photographs that have uncluttered composition that conveys a clear idea to your target audience. Simplicity in photography, not unlike other arts, is a great way to appeal to a much larger audience.

As you continue taking more pictures for Instagram, the quality of your work will increase steadily. Make sure that you maintain a healthy frequency of photographs and interactions on Instagram to keep your audience engaged.

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