Influencer Marketing Terms and Definitions

Influencer marketing has become such a successful strategy that it now serves as an advertising gateway for lots of people. If you are a newbie in the influencer industry or are trying to chip into this lucrative form of marketing, then you should know and understand the common terms used in their methods and tactics. Here is a glossary of common terms used in influencer marketing and their definitions.


Influencers are social media users who have an established credibility and large audience; who can persuade others by virtue of their trustworthiness and authenticity.


Influencers promote a brand or its message via websites, social media, or blogs. Their goal is to amplify the message to as many consumers on as many platforms as possible.

Brand advocate/ambassador

An influencer who makes genuine recommendations of brands to their audience without requiring compensation is a brand advocate. Brands often hire authentic advocates (who become brand ambassadors) because their genuine recommendations help promote their brand effectively during campaigns.


One of the most important jobs of an influencer is to keep their audience engaged or interested in their content. Engagement refers to the reaction of a user in terms of clicks, likes, comments, and shares.


Impressions are defined as the frequency at which your posts are delivered to your audience’s feed. Generally, Impressions refer to views. Your followers do not have to engage with the post, but if they share it among their own followers, it qualifies as several or multiple impressions.

Influencer marketing campaign

This involves marketing activities organized and led by a marketing agency or a brand. These activities include recruiting influencers, generating and sharing content, and measuring success in terms of engagement and turnovers.

Influencer compensation

An influencer has to be appropriately compensated for their participation in a brand’s marketing campaign. Typically, the compensation is an amount of money decided and agreed upon both parties in the contract. In other cases, influencers accept rewards such as coupons or free products as compensation. In this case, the influencers can decide to promote the product, the outcome is uncertain.

Influencer identification

This involves identifying and selecting the right influencers for a particular marketing campaign to help the brand reach its target audience. Influencer identification can be improved with the help of algorithms that filter through extensive data metrics such as size of influencer audience, content quality, usage of social networks, engagement, etc.

Influencer network

This network comprises of social media advocates and bloggers who suit certain requirements created by the marketing agency or brand. These prerequisites include criteria such as number of followers, content creating skills, deep knowledge or specific category or industry, and audience engagement skills.

Generation Z

This post-millenial group includes people born between 1998 and today. The people who belong to this generation grew up surrounded by social media and mobile technology.


This generation includes people born between 1981 and 1997. It got its name due to the fact that the people born in this time period reached adulthood in the early 21st century or the beginning of the new millennium.


Micro-influencers are people whose audience size is restricted to the range of 500 and 10,000 followers. Some marketers extend this qualification to influencers who have less than 100,000 followers.

Referral traffic

Marketers use tools like Google Analytics to measure and monitor web traffic. This helps them identify and analyze the location of their visitors and increase traffic toward their website.


An influencer’s reach is defined as the extent of his content’s exposure. It is measured by the number of people who can see their posts.

Repurposed content

Content created by influencers are often used many times by the marketing agency or brand in their print media, digital ads, or promotional material.

Sponsored content

This includes content created by an influencer that is paid for by the brand or agency. They are usually in the form of an Instagram post, a tweet, or even blogs.

Now that you understand the most commonly used terms in the world of influencer marketing, things become much easier for you to handle.

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