
Why Watch Brands are all using Instagram Influencers?

In the past couple of years, Instagram has climbed the ladder to become the leader among social media platforms. Besides regular users, the platform is the prime choice for brands and businesses all over the world. If you are not tapping into Instagram’s enormous pool of users to boost your brand’s sales, you are missing out.



How brands benefit from Instagram


Social media marketing is a rather recent strategy that came into the picture a few years ago. Since the advent of the internet, almost everything has become virtual. To stay ahead of the times, businesses also had to venture into the digital world. This expanded their horizons, allowing them to reach potential customers from all over the globe.


When social media websites like Facebook and Twitter came into being, they caught on like wildfire. Soon, everyone was on these platforms, sharing posts, pictures, and videos of their lives and interests. Brands soon followed suit, grabbing opportunities and expanding their businesses.


Instagram became a lot more popular than other social media sites, gaining millions of followers in a couple of years. Now, it stands tall among other platforms, with more than 700 million active users every month. This website has given businesses an excellent platform to connect with global users, converting them into customers and boosting their sales and growth.


One of the biggest reasons why Instagram is ideal for brand marketing is because it is a photo-sharing application. Users respond and engage better with pictures than they do with text. They relate to these pictures, making it easier to convert users into customers. Businesses started posting pictures that resonate with regular people, giving them an edge over their competition.


Along with Instagram came influencers, who changed the entire marketing game. Employing influencers proved to improve traditional advertising a lot better than celebrities. This is because regular people related better to influencers, who look and live like them. Unlike celebrities, influencers are accessible people. This makes it easy for brands to get in touch with them for collaborations.


Thanks to influencers, fashion brands have managed to break through barriers and expand their reach. One industry that has accurately evaluated the benefits of Instagram influencers is watch brands. Even big names in the luxury sector have learned to get with the times and become prominent on Instagram.



The impact of Instagram on the watch industry


Watch companies have always needed to advertise their products. Potential buyers had to explore several stores to find a watch they liked. This involved plenty of window shopping, which is fun and exciting but it can be tiring too. Besides displaying their products, watch brands would have to resort to advertising on billboards, in magazines, or TV ads.


Thanks to how far the internet has come, these brands have realized the advantages of going online. While Facebook and Twitter have proven to be effective platforms for marketing strategies, Instagram has taken the cake on this one. A picture-and-video-only website, Instagram connects to regular people on a different level compared to Twitter or Facebook.


Watch brands have forayed into the Instagram world, gaining thousands and millions of followers who keep a keen eye on their products. These brands have learned to liberally use influencers, who help boost their follower population and customer conversion on the regular. In fact, a single post by a well-followed influencer can increase a watch brand’s followers by hundreds or thousands of people.


Another huge advantage Instagram offers watch brands is the ease at which users can locate and purchase products of their liking. When an influencer posts a picture with a watch, they also include details such as the model name and number, store locations, and sometimes even the price.


With these details, customers no longer have to walk into several stores before purchasing a watch they like. Thanks to Instagram and its influencers, watch brands have become far more accessible and successful.

Join the movement of businesses who are already benefiting from Instagram influencer marketing.

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