Without following these 5 key influencer marketing strategies, you may end up making decisions that are wrong for your brand and its success:
Month: May 2019

The Truth About Influencer Marketing ROI
Still a challenge to pinpoint the exact ROI you generate by collaborating with influencers ? Determine your campaigns’ effectiveness with this new metric!

How to Create Instagram Content That Influencers Will Link to
What if influencers can repost your content and mention your brand without having to pay them to do so? Impossible, you would say… Here’s how!

7 Ways To Boost Your Engagement and Visibility on Instagram
Engagement – measured by likes, shares and comments – is now overshadowing the followers’ number. This is how to improve it and boost your visibility!

Why Recurring Influencer Marketing Campaigns Perform Better?
A one-time collaboration with an influencer is hardly even beneficial for a brand. Here is why recurring influencer marketing campaigns perform better!

Influencer Marketing & E-commerce: A Match Made In Heaven?
Are influencers really behind the growth of so many e-commerce brands? Let’s investigate the perks and the downsides to influencer marketing and e-commerce!

5 Influencer Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
Influencer marketing is now the mainstay of digital marketing. Avoiding these 5 influencer marketing mistakes is the key to stay on success track:

How to Improve Your Content Strategy with Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is receiving growing attention. Understanding how to improve your content strategy with influencer marketing is essential!