
How to Improve Your Content Strategy with Influencer Marketing

Digital marketing services are not what they used to be. With the changing times, it has become necessary to manipulate, remove or add new elements that could boost your marketing efforts. One such element is influencer marketing that can not only pump up your marketing efforts but can also help you connect with your target audience effectively.

The concept of influencer marketing is pretty new, and with the rise of social media platforms, this form of marketing is slowly getting the attention it deserves! Because of its effectiveness, it is also aiding marketers in enhancing their overall content strategy. So, to understand the key role that influencer marketing plays in your content strategy, keep on reading!

How Influencer Marketing Helps with Content Strategy?

Social media influencers play a massive role in influencer marketing. They usually have a large following and considering their authority, many marketers have started to turn towards this sector for profit making.

So, instead of relying on the traditional methods of promoting content, marketers use social influencers as a medium to not only spread their message but also help in connecting to their target audience. Additionally, with a known influencer on board, you can:

  • Increase your content’s reach.
  • Get friendly collaboration opportunities to get access to exceptional content for free.
  • Build and maintain a positive brand image.

You get the idea! Influencer marking is important for content strategy. But, how can one go about this task without it affecting their strategy negatively? Well, here are some tips to help shape your content strategy through influencer marketing!

  1. Find Influencers That Can Work For You

    Finding a suitable influencer is easier said than done. This is because you cannot go after any influencer who is a hit among their followers. Instead, you need to assess a few elements and make your choice based on factors such as your target audience and budget.

    Generally speaking, there are two kinds of influencers; macro and micro influencers. The macro influencers have a huge following and the micro influencers deal with a considerably less fan following. The size of the fan following is important since it helps the influencers in deciding their paycheck. So, the bigger the following, the bigger the paycheck needs to be. This is something you need to consider before selecting any influencer.

    If you have a bigger budget and want more content outreach, you can opt for a major influencer. On the other hand, you can select a micro influencer if you do not want to spend a lot of money on raising your brand awareness among your targeted audience.

  2. Build Relationships


    The next important step is all about building healthy relationships. Of course, you cannot approach the said influencer out of the blue and ask them to work for you. It does not work like that! Since the first impression is the last impression, you need to approach them and build your relationship foundation in a subtle manner.

    Once you have identified the influencer(s) you want to work with, you need to engage them in small talk before touching the actual subject. Or you can identify all their social media profiles and try to make yourself prominent by actively participating in their content. For instance, you can start with leaving comments, liking their content, re-tweeting, and sharing their posts.

    After a few weeks of doing this, you can progress to the next step and introduce them to your partnering opportunity.  The easier approach is to use an influencer marketing platform to rapidly hire influencers for your campaign.

  3. Make it a Two-Fold Relationship

    Not everything will work according to your plan. The sooner you learn it the better! Since you will be bringing a new person on board, you cannot have a rigid approach and try to dispel all the suggestions and opinions from your chosen influencer. If you do that it will leave a bad taste in their mouth.

    Introducing a new person to your content strategy should also mean that you consider their ideas and suggestions with an open mind. The best way of approaching this subject is by dividing the workload. This means that you let your influencer be the master of your content. For instance, if they want to write an e-book, let them do that and if they want to create a couple of blogs, then let them do this uninterrupted.

    The point is, your influencers know the kind of content their audience appreciates. So, if they want to create a certain type of content, provide them with the right opportunities. Also, since it will be your project, you can assume the role of a supervisor by providing opinions and suggestions whenever needed!

  4. Measure Your Results

    Influencer marketing does not always generate positive results. Because of this, you need to figure out whether influencer marketing is improving your content strategy or not. For this purpose, you can set some Key Performance Indicators. For instance, if content outreach is your goal, you should set up parameters that can help you in measuring it. Similarly, if increased brand awareness is your goal, then you should have some method of measuring it.

    On top of this, you need to track your engagement levels, impressions, online traffic, comments, and influencer’ reach to determine the success of your collaboration. For this purpose, you can use Ifluenz or BuzzSumo as it provides accurate data when it comes to measuring content’s performance.

  5. Repurpose Content

    Great brands are such that know how to repurpose content. Since great content comes with no deadline, this means that you can edit or repurpose it and present it to your audience as a new piece. After the influencers are done with sharing your content with their audience, you can breathe new life into it by utilizing it in a way that benefits your readers.

    You can either transform the content piece into infographics or you can turn it into video content. It does not matter how you repurpose the content, just keep in mind to give credit where credit’s due. So, you need to show your gratitude to the specific influencer for contributing towards your content strategy by naming them as your top contributor.


Wrapping Up

The right influencer can help you with content outreach. They can also bridge the gap between your brand and a wider audience. It is an indispensable tool that can amplify your content marketing efforts.

So, invest some time in building great relationships and create opportunities that can benefit your brand along with the social influencer as well.


Author Bio: Anne Taylor is a serial blogger with technical and business background. She loves writing about digital marketing, IT industry and workplace productivity. She is currently the content writer for Dynamologic Solutions.

Join the movement of businesses who are already benefiting from Instagram influencer marketing.

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2 thoughts on “How to Improve Your Content Strategy with Influencer Marketing

  1. Digital marketing services are not what they used to be. With the changing times, it has become necessary to manipulate, remove, or add new elements that could boost your marketing efforts. One such element is influencer marketing that can not only pump up your marketing efforts but can also help you connect with your target audience effectively.

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